Thursday, June 30, 2011

Tips Merawat Payudara

(Ovitodays)-Siapapun pasti ingin memiliki payudara yang sehat, indah juga kencang. Namun untuk mendapatkan semua itu tentunya Anda harus berbuat yang terbaik bagi payudara Anda. Ini dia tips yang bisa Anda manfaatkan.
Payudara mungkin bisa menjadi aset berharga Anda yang tentunya perlu perawatan khusus. Karena seiring dengan berkembangnya usia, payudara Anda pun akan mengalami berbagai masalah.
Misalnya pengenduran payudara, menyusutnya kelenjar susu, stretch mark, melemahnya jaringan ikat penyangga payudara juga elastisitas kulit payudara yang berkurang. Apalagi setelah proses melahirkan dan
menyusui, payudara Anda mungkin tak lagi terlihat indah seperti sebelumnya.
Namun ada beberapa hal yang patut Anda coba untuk mempertahankan keindahan payudara Anda. Mulai perawatan dari dalam payudara hingga keluar payudara.
1. Payudara Anda juga perlu nutrisi. Konsumsi makanan yang seimbang dengan jumlah kalori yang cukup. Sehingga berat badan yang ideal bisa Anda dapatkan. Dengan berat badan ideal tentunya penampilan tubuh Anda secara keseluruhan termasuk payudara akan terbentuk dengan alami. Dengan demikian penampilan Anda pun akan terlihat menarik.
2. Kulit payudara Anda hanya mengandung sedikit kolagen. Terutama di bagian areola (kulit sekitar puting) dan puting. Oleh karena itu kangan menggesek payudara dengan benda kasar misalnya scrub atau handuk. Apalagi ketika seminggu menjelang siklus bulanan. Untuk mengatasi kulit kering gunakan saja pelembab tanpa pewangi.
3. Olahraga juga bisa menjadi usaha Anda untuk mengembalikan kekencangan payudara. Gerakan olahraga yang dilakukan secara teratur akan melatih otot-otot dada. Lakukan secara teratur untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal.
4. Gunakan juga bra yang sesuai dengan ukuran dan bentuk payudara Anda. Yang terpenting adalah bra harus nyaman dipakai. Gunakan bra khusus ketika Anda berolahraga. Sehingga keringat mudah terserap dan payudara tersangga dengan baik.
5. Bedah estetika bisa menjadi pilihan terakhir Anda jika payudara sudah mengalami permasalahan yang serius bagi Anda. Bedah ini biasanya dilakukan untuk mengoreksi payudara yang tidak simetris, mengubah bentuk dan ukuran payudara atau hanya sekedar mengencangkan payudara. Namun jika bentuk payudara Anda baik-baik saja sebaiknya hindari bedah estetika. Semua orang diciptakan tidak ada yang sempurna.
Mungkin jika payudara Anda kurang tampak bagus Anda bisa menutupinya dengan kelebihan yang ada pada tubuh Anda lainnya.

Tips Menjaga Kelembutan Kulit

(Ovitodays)-Semua orang,terutama wanita selalu mendambakan kulit cantik pada dirinya.Namun kebanyakan wanita tidak tahu cara yang benar untuk merawat kulit mulusnya.
Berikut tips mudah untuk menjaga kelembapan kulit diansir dari vivanews :
1. Serum atau minyak
Mulailah menggunakan serum atau minyak zaitun sebelum tidur untuk menjaga kelembaban kulit wajah. Saat bangun pagi, kulit akan terasa lebih kenyal dan segar.
2. Tabir surya dengan pelembab ekstra
Tabir surya bisanya hanya mengandung sedikit formula pelembab. Tetapi ada beberapa yang juga mengandung pelembab ekstra. Jadi, cobalah lebih selektif dalam memilih tabir surya.
3. Body lotion berkualitas
Biasanya seseorang suka dengan body lotion karena aromanya. Tetapi fungsi utama body lotion adalah melembabkan kulit tubuh. Untuk itu, pastikan body lotion Anda berkualitas dan mampu menjaga kelembaban kulit dalam waktu lama, bukan hanya sekedar beraroma.
4. Foundation krim
Foundation bentuk krim, lebih bisa melembabkan kulit. Tidak perlu ragu menggunakannya, pastikan saja Anda mengaplikasikannya dengan tipis. Formula pelembab ekstra bisa sekaligus mempercantik kulit Anda.
5. Pengelupasan
Lakukan pengelupasan atau eksfoliasi dengan scrub yang berbasis minyak. Hal ini agar pengangkatan sel-sel kulit mati bisa dilakukan dengan menjaga kondisi kulit agar tetap dalam keadaan lembab.
6. Jaga kulit bawah mata
Kekeringan yang terjadi pada kulit bawah mata bisa dengan mudah menjadi keriput. Untuk itu, cara paling mudah jaga kelembabannya dengan menggunakan krim mata secara teratur.


Tips menjaga kebersihan Vagina / Area Intim Wanita

(Ovitodays)-Area intim perempuan atau vagina atau seringkali disebut dengan miss V, adalah area yang penting dan perlu dijaga kebersihannya. Menurut Dr. Tina Wardhani, SpKK, pakar kulit dan kelamin yang berpraktek di Klinik Sakti Medika, Tebet Barat, Jakarta, vagina yang sehat adalah vagina yang tanpa keluhan – tidak gatal, tidak becek, tidak ada peradangan/iritasi serta keputihan. Namun kadang wanita punya sejumlah kebiasaan yang justru membuat Miss V terabaikan kesehatannya. Berikut ini adalah Tips aman menjaga dan merawat kesehatan area intim wanita:
Tips Aman Menjaga Kesehatan Area Intim Wanita
1. Agar tidak memicu kelembaban di daerah vagina dan area sekitarnya, pilih celana dalam dari bahan katun yang agak longgar. Hindari pula penggunaan stocking dengan model sampai menutup pantat. Karena model stocking ini akan memicu kelembaban. Gunakan model stocking yang hanya sampai pantat sebagai penggantinya.
2. Ganti panty liners setiap 2 jam sekali. Jika tidak cairan vagina akan kontak dengan kulit di sekitar area intim. Hal ini semakin penting jika Anda adalah perempuan dengan aktivitas tinggi. Biasanya cairan yang akan diproduksiberbanding lurus dengan tingginya aktifitas Anda.
3. Usahakan membawa botol air ketika buang air kecil di toilet umum agar bisa membersihkan miss V dengan air. Lalu keringkanlah dengan tissue berserat rapat.
4. Anda tidak terlalu dianjurkan untuk menggunakan sabun atau cairan khusus pembersih vagina terlalu sering. Saat mandi pagi, sore atau malam, barulah Anda boleh membersihkan vagina dengan sabun atau cairan khusus. Ingat, di dalam Miss V Anda, ada kuman normal yang bertindak sebagai benteng pertahanan vagina, sehingga kalau kuman normal tersebut ikut mati maka kuman jahat akan leluasa bergerak. Lakukanlah proses pembersihan tersebut dengan cara yang benar, yaitu dengan cara sambil berjongkok, bukan berdiri. Karena dengan berjongkok semua cairan atau sisa-sisa keputihan akan keluar.
5. Konsumsi buah dan sayur. Keduanya berpengaruh untuk kesehatan seluruh area intim Anda.
6. Minum minimal 2 liter air per hari. Air yang masuk dalam jumlah banyak akan membuat Anda buang air kecil. Hal ini baik untuk ‘membilas’ saluran kencing.
7. Hindari keiasaan menggaruk Miss V yang gatal karena keputihan. Kalau luka, maka area itu akan semakin lembab. sehingga kuman akan senang bersarang di sana.
8. Cukum minum vitamin, mineral dan zinc. Penyembuhan luka atau lecet pada Miss V akan sangat terbantu oleh zinc.
9. Sebaiknya cepat konsultasikan ke dokter bila terjadi keputihan yang tidak normal -dapat diindentifikasi dari kuantitas, warna dan bau- Jangan menundanya. Apalagi jika area tersebut luka, karena kuman akan senang bersarang di sana.
Semoga bermanfaat.

Manfaat Mentimun untuk Kesehatan Kulit dan Rambut

(Ovitodays)-Inilah manfaat mentimun untuk kesehatan serta kecantikan kulit dan rambut – Tahukah anda jika mentimun memiliki kesamaan seperti labu, melon dan jenis-jenis buah berkulit tebal dan berair. Mentimun berasal dari Asia Tenggara di mana ia tumbuh liar, terutama India, dan ia tumbuh bervarietas genetik. Tahukah Anda bahwa mentimun memiliki beberapa manfaat yang mendukung kecantikan alami serta kesehatan rambut  dan kulit manusia? Kali ini cara sehat alami tentang manfaat mentimun untuk kesehatan dan kecantikan akan dikupas habis di blog ini.
Ada catatan budidaya mentimun di berbagai belahan dunia selama berabad-abad. Sebelumnya wisatawan vegetarian ini menyebar ke seluruh Asia, Eropa dan Afrika dan kemudian baru ke Amerika. Saat ini manusia menjadi sadar dengan manfaat kesehatan dari mentimun. Hal ini terutama populer di kalangan kuno Yunani, Romawi dan peradaban Mesir karena buah ini sifat menenangkan dan menyegarkan.
Manfaat mentimun untuk kesehatan dan kecantikan alami
Faktanya, mentimun memiliki kulit hijau tua meskipun mungkin bervariasi dalam warna dari kuning pucat menjadi putih dengan daging kehijauan. Dan berikut ini adalah beberapa manfaat mentimun untuk kesehatan dan kecantikan kulit serta rambut manusia:
  • Kadar air yang tinggi dalam mentimun membuat dingin kulit kita. Ini membantu mengurangi pembengkakan dan bengkak dalam cara yang sama seperti kompres dingin.
  • Dalam kasus luka bakar matahari. Aplikasi topikal dari mentimun memberikan efek sejuk dan tenang. Ini diharuskan penggunaan berulang yang akan membantu untuk menyembuhkan lesi untuk tujuan ini. Biasanya irisan ketimun dingin lebih efektif.
  • Silicon dan belerang hadir dalam mentimun dikenal untuk menghentikan rambut rontok. Ini juga mendorong pertumbuhan rambut baru bila diambil secara lisan untuk waktu yang lama.
  • Disamping itu, mentimun adalah cara yang bagus untuk melembabkan kulit secara alami, baik secara internal maupun eksternal. Selain itu, mentimun hidrasi juga memberikan kulit bercahaya melalui silika dan konstituen asam askorbat penting dari ketimun.
Nyatanya, silica membantu untuk mempertahankan warna kulit dengan memperkuat jaringan ikat. Hal ini juga memberikan kulit Anda cerah dan berseri-seri.
Semoga saja menfaat mentimun untuk mendapatkan kesehatan rambut serta kecantikan kulit secara alami ini bermanfaat bagi Anda.

Manfaat Peppermint Untuk Kesehatan Kulit dan Rambut

 (Ovitodays)-Manfaat peppermint untuk kesehatan kulit dan rambutTips kecantikan terbaru kali ini akan menghadirkan serta menjelaskan beberapa manfaat minyak peppermint untuk kesehatan, khususnya dalam perawatan kulit dan rambut. Hmm.., rupanya minyak peppermint tidak hanya sebagai salah satu bahan permen karet. Nyatanya minyak tersebut juga berkhasiat untuk kesehatan kulit dan rambut kita
Minyak peppermint pada dasarnya merupakan ramuan dari dua tanamam hibrida yakni mint air dan spearmint yang bermanfaat baik sebagai bahan kosmetik maupun medis. Lalu apa saja manfaat peppermint untuk kesehatan?
  1. Minyak peppermint cukup baik untuk meremajakan dan menyegarkan. Minyak ini mampu memperkuat sistem kekebalan tubuh, dan merevitalisasi kelelahan mental.
  2. Berkhasiat untuk menyehatkan kulit kepala dan rambut. Tambahkan beberapa tetes minyak peppermint ke dalam sampo harian Anda, untuk mengurangi ketombe.
  3. Sedangkan pada rambut keriting, minyak ini bisa membuat rambut menjadi sehat dan berkilau. Minyak peppermint juga dapat membantu mempercepat pertumbuhan rambut.
  4. Minyak peppermint membantu menyembuhkan bibir pecah-pecah. Ini adalah alasan mengapa minyak ini merupakan bahan aktif untuk pelembap bibir.
  5. Minyak ini memiliki efek menenangkan (karena mentol yang ada di dalamnya) dapat digunakan pada bibir pecah-pecah atau kulit terbakar sinar matahari, karena akan memberikan pendinginan dan efek menyegarkan pada kulit.
  6. Ketika diekstrak sebagai pil, minyak ini menjadi salah satu dari minyak esensial dan digunakan secara ekstensif, dalam parfum dan cologne.
  7. Tidak hanya anugerah bagi rambut, tetapi minyak ini juga menyehatkan kulit tubuh dan tidak hanya membantu mengontrol sekresi minyak pada kulit, tetapi juga membersihkan dan mencerahkan kulit lelah.
  8. Untuk kulit wajah, minyak peppermint mencegah jerawat dan membantu membuka pori-pori.
Sekarang sudah tahu kan beberapa manfaat minyak peppermint untuk mendukung kesehatan dan kecantikan rambut serta kulit? Daripada Anda malah melakukan kesalahan dalam memilih produk perawatan kulit, ada baiknya jika menggunakan cara alami seperti di atas. Semoga bermanfaat.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Awareness of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

First, test your "STD IQ" by answering the following questions:
  1. What is the most common STD reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the U.S.?
  2. Can you have an STD and not know it?
  3. If you're pregnant and have an STD, can you pass it to your child?
  4. Name one STD that can't be cured.
  5. Name one way to protect yourself from getting an STD.
(Answers are listed at the end of this blog.)
Everyone is at risk
All of us, even infants, are at risk of contracting an STD, and one reason for this is the serious misconceptions many of us have about sexual activity. Just avoiding sexual intercourse, for example, will not always protect you from getting one of these infections.
Many of my younger patients in particular have mistaken beliefs about their sexual behavior. Some believe that to prevent pregnancy and infection, they should mainly avoid unprotected sexual intercourse. Unfortunately, some of my patients believe that oral sex and anal sex are "safer," so they limit themselves only to these two sexual behaviors. Some also believe that if they engage only in oral and anal sex, then they can continue thinking of themselves as virgins.
No sexual activity is 100% safe
From a medical standpoint, the truth is that any activity can transmit STDs if it involves skin-to-skin touching, or exposure to another person's genitals, mouth, or body fluids. Yes, this even means kissing.
It's a sobering thought to consider how easily STDs can be spread by sexual activities that many consider to be "safe." This is one reason why so many people around the world have sexually transmitted infections.
How do I protect myself?
Many of us, when we are under the influence of alcohol or other psychoactive drugs, tend to make less-than-wise choices about sex. This is why I consider overindulging in these substances to be the single most important behavior to address when trying to minimize the risks of STDs. This is because many people lose their inhibitions when intoxicated and so are more likely to engage in risky sexual behaviors. Also, we become more vulnerable in this state, so that others might take advantage of us.
Another basic rule
If you've chosen to have sexual activity with a person, always assume that that person has an STD--and then proceed with caution. Just looking at a potential sexual partner will not tell you if he or she is infected. Your partner could look "clean" and healthy, and yet still have an STD.
Don't forget to include yourself
In fact, you could be the one who has the STD and not know it. This is why it is reasonable for both partners to be tested for STDs twice before they ever share sexual activity. That's right: both should remain abstinent until they have been tested for STDs two times--and the second test should follow the first by no fewer than two months. (Even this process is not perfect, however, since reliable screening tests have not been developed yet for some STDs.)
Follow your instincts
Finally, if you find yourself in an intimate situation that is making you feel uneasy, listen to that voice of uneasiness and act on it by removing yourself from the situation.
Answers to the questions
  1. Chlamydia is the most common STD reported to the CDC.
  2. Yes, you can have an STD and not know it. That's why it's so important to be screened.
  3. Yes, pregnant women can pass STDs on to their fetuses. So be sure to get prenatal care; that way, you'll definitely be tested for STDs.
  4. HIV and herpes simplex virus infections can't be cured, but they can be managed.
  5. Ways to protect yourself from getting an STD:
    - Avoid alcohol and drugs, which can tempt us to cast off our inhibitions.
    - Use male condoms.
    - Get vaccinated against hepatitis B and the human papillomavirus (HPV).
    - Avoid anal intercourse.
    - Delay a sexual encounter until both partners have been tested twice.
    - Delay sexual activity until you are in a monogamous relationship.

Weekend Not Long Enough to Recover From Workweek Sleep Loss

Thursday, June 30 (Ovitodays) -- Men and women who get just six hours of sleep each night during the workweek will need more than the weekend to recover from the cumulative effects of this mild sleep deprivation, a new study revealed.
Researchers also found that women are better able to cope with and recover from this kind of sleep loss than men.
"The usual practice of extending sleep during the weekend after a busy workweek associated with mild sleep loss is not adequate in reversing the cumulative effects on cognitive function resulting from this mild sleep deprivation," said the study's principal investigator Dr. Alexandros N. Vgontzas, professor of psychiatry and endowed chair in sleep disorders medicine at the Penn State College of Medicine, in an American Academy of Sleep Medicine news release.
In the study, researchers installed 34 people, with an average age of 25 years and no sleep problems, in a sleep lab for 13 nights. There, they periodically measured sleepiness and performance. Participants were allowed to sleep eight hours a night for the first four nights to assess their typical functioning. For the next six nights, however, they were allowed to sleep only six hours a night, followed by three "recovery" nights of 10 hours of sleep each night.
The study's findings, slated for presentation on Wednesday at Associated Professional Sleep Societies meeting in Minneapolis, revealed that after a week of sleep restriction, two nights of extra sleep are not enough to fully reverse the adverse effects of the sleep loss.
Men and women showed both significantly decreased performance on psychomotor tests, as well as subjective and objective sleepiness.
Women recovered better than men, however, the study pointed out. The researchers said the gender differences were linked to slow wave, or deep sleep, considered the restorative potion of sleep.
"In women, but not in men, deep sleep appeared to have a protective effect," added Vgontzas, who is also director of the Sleep Research and Treatment Center at Penn State in Hershey, Pa. "Women with a higher amount of deep sleep can handle better the effects of one workweek of mild sleep deprivation, and their recovery is more complete after two nights of extended sleep."

7 Things Your Hands Say About Your Health

They're one of the most important parts of our body when it comes to day-to-day activities; without them we couldn't cut vegetables, grip pliers, or text our friends. They're revealing, too: Not only do scars and age spots recount our personal history but mystics all the way back to prehistory have "read" our futures in their lines and whorls.
But what if your hands could say more about you than that? What if, looking down at your palms and the five digits attached to them, you could discover early signs of dangerous diseases you didn't yet know you had? "It used to be common for doctors to look at the hands for important clues to overall health," says endocrinologist Kenneth Blanchard of Newton, Massachusetts. "We need to get back to that, because hands can tell you a great deal about circulation, hormones, and thyroid function."
Here are seven important clues your hands can reveal about your overall health.
1. Blotchy red palms
In the short term, red palms might mean you gripped the shovel too hard when you planted tomatoes, hand-washed a few too many delicates, or grabbed the teakettle a few moments too soon. But if your palms remain reddened over a long period of time, this may be a condition called palmar erythema, which is a sign of liver disease, particularly of cirrhosis and nonalcoholic fatty liver. (One exception: If you're pregnant, red palms are normal, because increased blood flow causes redness in more than half of expecting women.)
Inflammation of the liver gradually begins to impair its function, so it's no longer able to flush waste products out of the body as efficiently, Blanchard says. The result is an excess of circulating hormones, which in turn cause the blood vessels in the hands and feet to dilate, making them visible through the skin.
What to do:
Get evaluated for other symptoms of liver disease, which include swollen legs and abdomen, prominent veins on the upper torso and abdomen, and fatigue. Show your doctor your hands and feet and ask for liver function tests. The most common tests for liver function are a bilirubin count and a liver enzyme count.
2. Finger length
Comparative finger length can tell you a surprising amount about your likelihood of having certain conditions. Typically, men's ring fingers tend to be longer than their index fingers, while in women it's the opposite. Women who have a "masculinized" pattern, with ring fingers longer than their index fingers, are twice as likely to suffer from osteoarthritis, according to a 2008 study published in Arthritis and Rheumatism. The study found osteoarthritis of the knees to be more common in both men and women with longer ring fingers, but the effect was most pronounced in women. Longer index fingers, on the other hand, are associated with a higher risk of breast cancer in women and with a lower risk of prostate cancer in men. A 2010 study found that men whose index fingers were noticeably longer than their ring fingers were 33 percent less likely to develop prostate cancer.
Scientists aren't sure yet, but they believe finger length is affected by exposure to varying amounts of the hormones testosterone and estrogen in the womb. Longer ring fingers indicate greater prenatal exposure to testosterone, while longer index fingers suggest higher estrogen exposure. Since breast cancer is estrogen-fueled, longer index fingers correlate with higher breast cancer. In men, more testosterone is linked to a higher incidence of prostate cancer, since one fuels the other. As for the osteoarthritis connection, scientists don't have a clear explanation yet but think it may have something to do with the way hormones affect early bone growth.
What to do:
Women who have longer ring fingers may want to be on the alert for weak or sore joints, particularly knees, and get injuries or soreness evaluated. Men who may be at higher risk for prostate cancer should be proactive about PSA testing and talk to their doctors about additional testing as well. All women should have regular mammograms for breast cancer screening; if you think you may be at higher risk, talk to your doctor about increasing the frequency of mammograms or scheduling an MRI in addition.
Some researchers believe that finger length should be used as a criterion for more comprehensive cancer screening, but this is controversial. In the meantime, follow suggested guidelines, and be proactive about getting all approved tests.
3. Swollen fingers
If you just got off an airplane, ignore this one for now. Swollen fingers can happen for the simplest of reasons: It's hot out, you're about to get your period, or you just ate salty ramen noodles. But if your fingers feel thick and stiff or your rings still won't fit after several days of drinking plenty of fluids and cutting back on salt , the swelling could suggest hypothyroidism.
When the thyroid is underactive, it produces less of the important hormones that regulate your metabolism and keep your body functioning properly. And when metabolism slows, the result is typically weight gain and water accumulation.
"One of the first places you see that excess water is in the fingers," says endocrinologist Kenneth Blanchard, who authored What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Hypothyroidism (Grand Central Publishing, 2004). "You can feel it too; your fingers feel stiff because they don't bend as easily."
What to do:
Ask your doctor for a routine thyroid check, which is a blood test that measures the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone, or TSH. Make sure your doctor is aware of new screening guidelines, which state that TSH level should be between 0.3 and 3.0.
4. Pale nails
Under normal circumstances, if you press gently on your fingernails they turn white, and then when you release the pressure they turn pink again. If your nails stay white more than a minute after you press on them or look pale all the time, this can be a sign of anemia.
Anemia, or iron deficiency, causes pale nails when there aren't enough red blood cells circulating in the bloodstream. If uncorrected over time, severe iron deficiency can also cause the nails to have a slightly concave shape. Clue: If anemia is the cause of pale nails, the nail beds (the thin strips at the base of nails) are likely to look particularly bleached out.
What to do:
Iron deficiency can lead to fatigue or, in serious cases, heart problems, so you'll want to alert your doctor. You can try treating anemia yourself by increasing your dietary intake of iron-rich foods, like such as red meat, spinach and other dark greens, and nuts, but you'll probably need to take an iron supplement too, says endocrinologist Blanchard. If iron typically causes you digestive issues, he adds, take a nonconstipating formula such as Slow-Fe. And remember to take vitamin C at the same time, as it helps iron absorption.
5. Tiny red stripes under the nails
Called splinter hemorrhages because they look like tiny red or brownish splinters under the nails, these are minute areas of bleeding that can signal infection in the heart or blood. Because they run in the direction of nail growth, they resemble splinters that got stuck under the nail.
Splinter hemorrhages happen when tiny blood clots block blood flow in the capillaries beneath the nails. (Toenails, too.) They most often occur with an infection of the heart valves called subacute bacterial endocarditis. This condition typically occurs in someone with a heart murmur or underlying infection. If you just have a few red spots under the nails and have never been diagnosed with a heart problem, don't panic: It's most likely that these are from some other cause, probably injuries to the hands.
What to do:
Take your temperature to see if you have a fever. Bacterial endocarditis is typically accompanied by a low-grade fever. If you've never had your heart checked and are concerned about these symptoms, call your doctor for a checkup. Your doctor will run a series of tests to evaluate blood flow through the heart. However, if your heart's been given a clean bill of health, then heart valve infection is an unlikely cause and you can wait to see if the red spots clear up on their own.
6. Thick, rounded fingertips
Known as "clubbing," thickened fingertips that angle out above the last knuckle like miniature clubs can be a sign of heart or lung disease. You may also notice the nail rounding, so your fingers curve downward like the inside of a spoon.
If the circulatory systems of the heart or lungs are impaired, oxygen levels in the blood are likely to drop. Over time, this causes the soft tissues of the fingertip pads to grow, so fingertips (and the ends of toes) appear to bulge outward.
What to do:
If your fingers and toes are clubbing, it's likely you've been noticing other symptoms, such a shortness of breath or chronic cough. Clubbing also occurs with aortic valve disease, which can cause fatigue and chest pain. See your doctor for a full heart and lung evaluation. Be sure to tell your doctor how long you've noticed the change in your fingers and toes, as well as how long you've been experiencing other symptoms.
To monitor the oxygen level in your blood, you can get tested by your doctor or use a pulse oximeter, available at most medical supply stores. If you think your heart and lungs are healthy, ask your doctor to run a standard battery of tests. If you're already aware that you have a heart or lung condition, discuss with your doctor whether this may be a sign of worsening symptoms.
7. Blue fingertips
Fingertips that are gray- or blue-tinged or feel numb can be a sign of a circulatory disorder known as Raynaud's disease or Raynaud's syndrome.
Raynaud's syndrome causes sudden temporary spasms in the blood vessels and arteries. The narrowed arteries, Blanchard says, constrict blood flow to the hands and fingers, decreasing circulation. Symptoms include cold hands and numb fingertips, in addition to a bluish tinge. Between 5 and 10 percent of people have this condition, so it's more common than you might think. Raynaud's is more common in women than men, and it gets worse in cold weather. It's also brought on by increased stress.
What to do:
Sudden changes in temperature, such as taking ice cubes out of the freezer, can bring on a Raynaud's attack, so be aware of this effect and ask others to perform such tasks when possible. Wear gloves when you go outside in cold weather, since cold is one of the major triggers for Raynaud's. Even temperatures below 60 degrees are a problem for many Raynaud's sufferers, so you may want to stash gloves in your car, in your purse or briefcase, and by the front door.
It's important not to ignore symptoms, since, over time, Raynaud's attacks can restrict circulation to the point of causing tissue damage. The best way to prevent Raynaud's is to make lifestyle changes to keep your circulation healthy. Smoking and caffeine both constrict blood vessels, so quit smoking and cut down on coffee, tea, and cola. Boost your aerobic exercise to raise your heart rate and get your blood pumping.
Some people suffer from "secondary" Raynaud's, brought on by another underlying condition. In this case, treating the underlying condition is the key to preventing Raynaud's attacks.

Time to Rest

Feel Better: Too much rest has its own problems: Your performance stalls. On your recovery days, do something active; go for a bike ride, walk, or do yoga. Muscles need 48 hours to recover after an intense run. During this time, cells are programmed to be stronger.
After disappointing performances in a couple of key tune-up races last fall, a depleted Ryan Hall made the hard decision to withdraw from the Chicago Marathon. Too many grinding 15-mile tempo runs at a five-minute-per-mile pace at 7,000 feet with too little rest afterward had finally caught up with him.
"I love to push my body," he says. "Recovery is the hardest part of training for me."
Problem is, if you don't take time for proper R&R, your body won't adapt to the stress of your training—you won't get stronger or faster, explains Stacy Sims, Ph.D., at the Stanford Prevention-Research Center, School of Medicine. Neglect recovery for too long, and you will start to lose strength and speed. You'll sink into the black hole known as overtraining.
First, your sleep patterns and energy levels will feel the effects. Eventually, your immune system crashes, and you lose your appetite. It's like burning out your engine. And you don't have to be logging 100-mile weeks to suffer. Recreational runners can overtrain, too. "With deadlines, chores, bills, kids, and lack of sleep, it's more challenging to recover properly from your runs," says Sims.
So in preparation for the 2011 Boston Marathon, Hall used an online recovery-tracking program called Restwise, which looks at simple biological markers input by the athlete first thing each morning, calculates a daily recovery score from 1 to 100, then trends it over time. (Rest-wise subscriptions start at $119 for six months; go to
Pay attention to the following 10 markers. If three or more of these indicators raise a red flag, you should consider a few easy sessions or off days so you can return to running strong. Says Hall, "Now I'm learning to love to rest."
1. Body Mass
You lost weight from yesterday
A two percent drop in weight from one day to the next indicates a body-fluid fluctuation. Most likely, you didn't hydrate enough during or after your last workout. Dehydration negatively impacts both physical and mental performance, and could compromise the quality of your next workout.
2. Resting Heart Rate
Your resting heart rate is elevated
Take your pulse each morning before you get out of bed to find what's normal for you. An elevated resting heart rate is one sign of stress. It means your nervous system prepared for fight or flight by releasing hormones that sped up your heart to move more oxygen to the muscles and brain. Your body won't know the difference between physical and psychological stress. A hard run and a hard day at work both require extra recovery.
3. Sleep
You didn't sleep well or enough
A pattern of consistently good sleep will give you a boost of growth hormones, which are great for rebuilding muscle fibers. Several nights in a row of bad sleep will decrease reaction time along with immune, motor, and cognitive functions—not a good combination for a workout.
4. Hydration
Your pee is dark yellow
This can be an indicator of dehydration, barring the consumption of vitamins, supplements, or certain foods the evening before. The darker the color, the more you're struggling to retain fluids, because there's not enough to go around. You need H2O to operate (and recover).
5. Energy Level
You're run down
If your energy level is low, there's something amiss. The key is honesty. Athletes can block out signs of fatigue to push through it, thinking it will make them stronger. It won't always work that way.
6. Mood State
You're cranky
When your body is overwhelmed by training (or other stressors), it produces hormones like cortisol that can cause irritability or anxiety. Stress also halts chemicals like dopamine, a neurotransmitter in the brain that has a big bummer effect on mood when depleted. Crankiness probably means not enough recovery.
7. Wellness
You're sick
Any illness, or even a woman's menstrual cycle, will increase your need for energy to refuel your immune system, which is having to work overtime. This means fewer resources available for recovering from training.
8. Pain
You're sore or nursing an injury
Whether you're sore from overworked muscles or an injury, your body needs more energy to put toward repair, lengthening total recovery time.
9. Performance
Your workout went poorly
This is a subjective measure of workout quality, not quantity nor intensity. If you felt great on yesterday's run, you'd evaluate that as good. If you felt sluggish on that same run, you'd count it as poor. Trending workout quality—multiple poors in a row—is one of the easiest ways to identify the need for more recovery.
10. Oxygen Saturation
Your oxygen level has dipped
The amount of oxygen in the hemoglobin of the red blood cells can be measured by placing your fingertip in a portable pulse oximeter, a gadget available online for about $40. The higher the percentage, the better: Above 95 percent is the norm at sea level or for an athlete who is fully acclimated to a given altitude. This is a new area in recovery science, requiring more research, but there may be a link between low oxygen saturation and the need for more recovery.
Count Your Red Flags
The restwise algorithm assigns more weight to some markers (e.g., performance) than others (e.g., mood), along with other factors to generate a precise recovery score. But you can get a sense for your ballpark recovery quality by tallying the red flags you average per day in a week.
0-1 Green Light
You are clear to train hard.
2-4 Caution
You can go ahead with a hard workout if your training plan calls for it, but cut it short if it feels too hard. Better yet, take an easy day, or a day off.
5-6 Warning
You're entering the danger zone, which could be intentional according to your periodization or peaking protocol. If not, back off.
7-10 Danger
You require mandatory time off, ranging from a day to a week, depending on the severity of your fatigue and what you've seen over the previous few days and weeks. You may need to visit your doctor.

Your Body on... Smoking

The average cigarette is gone in 10 puffs and five minutes, but that's five minutes of havoc as 4,000 chemicals infiltrate your organs.
Trying to stop smoking? To quit—really quit forever—you have to understand these biological and psychological hurdles you will face.
0 to 10 Seconds
As you take the first drag, smoke passes through your mouth, leaving a faint brown film on your pearly whites. Toxic gases such as formaldehyde and ammonia immediately put your immune system on alert, causing allover inflammation.
Once in the windpipe, the cigarette smoke temporarily slows your cilia, the tiny sweepers that work to clear your respiratory system of mucus and invading particles. Meanwhile, airborne nicotine passes instantly into your bloodstream through the millions of capillaries in your lungs.
Your body gets a jolt of energy as that nicotine hits your adrenal glands, triggering an outpouring of adrenaline that raises your blood pressure and heart rate. Your heart is unable to relax fully between beats—and you are now at a higher risk of having a stroke.
Concerned about gaining weight if you stop? How to quit without adding pounds.
At the same time, carbon monoxide (a toxic component also found in car exhaust) from the smoke is starting to build up in your blood, limiting your body's ability to transport oxygen to your vital organs.
Via the blood-stream, nicotine hits your brain, where certain nerve cells respond by letting loose a torrent of the feel-good neurotransmitter dopamine.
After 5 Minutes
As dopamine levels quickly plummet back to normal, your body yearns for another high—even if you're not aware of it. If you frequently give in to the craving, your brain will get hooked and you'll crash into withdrawal when you try to stop smoking (some experts posit that nicotine could be just as addictive as heroin).
The cigarette smoke is gone, but your body will be mopping up toxic substances for the next six to eight hours.
The truth about alcohol and its affects on your body.
The cigarette's parting gift: gooey brown tar in your lungs.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Sejumlah Manfaat dan Aplikasi Madu Bagi Kecantikan

Madu tak hanya lezat disantap. Cairan manis yang dihasilkan lebah ini juga memiliki sejuta manfaat bagi kecantikan.

Sejak zaman Mesir kuno, Ratu Cleopatra telah menggunakan campuran susu putih dan madu dalam air mandinya. Sedangkan Ratu Anne dari Inggris menggunakan campuran madu dan minyak untuk membuat rambutnya lebih indah.

Apakah Kulit Anda Sensitif? Bagaimana Cara Merawatnya?

Jika Anda sering mengalami rasa perih di kulit saat mengoleskan suatu produk, kulit mendadak kering dan gatal tanpa sebab, atau mudah terkena iritasi, bisa jadi kulit Anda sensitif. Ayo cari tahu lebih lanjut tentang kulit sensitif dan cara merawatnya.\

6 Aturan Kecantikan yang Sangat Boleh Kita Langgar

Jangan pakai lipstik merah menyala siang hari! Sesuaikanlah warna tas dengan warna sepatu! Itu aturan kuno. Sudah saatnya kita melanggar beberapa "larangan" di dunia mode dan kecantikan.

1. Lipstik merah terang hanya boleh dipakai di malam hari
Siapa bilang? Lipstik merah, atau riasan mata smoky eyes, bisa kita gunakan di siang hari. Asal, jangan gabungkan keduanya. Jika Anda memakai lipstik merah siang hari, pastikan riasan mata Anda natural. Sebaliknya, jika riasan mata Anda cukup "berat", gunakan lipstik dengan warna yang lembut.

5 Cara Alami Memerangi Jerawat Membandel

Timbulnya jerawat di wajah sering kali menganggu penampilan serta menghilangkan kepercayaan diri. Namun tak jarang, produk perawatan yang ditawarkan di pasaran tak mampu menghentikan timbulnya jerawat.

Daripada mengobati, lebih baik mencegah timbulnya jerawat tersebut dengan cara alami. Kuncinya ada di gaya hidup kita. Simak caranya dalam enam langkah yang dikutip dari berikut ini.

Berbagai Resep Cantik yang Tersedia di Dapur Anda

Tak suka masak dan jarang ke dapur? Mungkin setelah Anda membaca tulisan ini, Anda akan berubah pikiran. Pasalnya, banyak benda di dapur Anda yang ternyata bisa membuat kita cantik. Apa saja?

1. Timun
Sari timun sangat baik untuk dijadikan toner bagi Anda yang memiliki kulit berminyak. Atau, campurkan dengan susu, dan jadikan pembersih wajah.

Selebritas Berbagi Rahasia Menjaga Kecantikan Kulit Putih

Seleb-seleb berikut ini memang terlahir dengan kulit putih. Namun mereka punya rahasia untuk membuat kulit putih terlihat sehat, terhindar dari kusam, dan tetap terjaga kecantikannya. Mau tahu?

Monday, June 6, 2011

5 Selebritas Berbagi Trik Cantik yang Singkat dan Mudah

Seleb juga manusia. Mereka tak luput dari berbagai masalah kecantikan yang biasa kita alami, seperti wajah berminyak hingga kulit kak
i bersisik. Bedanya, mereka sudah tahu cara ampuh untuk mengatasinya. Apa rahasianya?


4 Langkah Menanggulangi Kulit Ketiak yang Hitam

Memiliki kulit ketiak yang hitam terkadang membuat wanita kurang percaya diri. Tapi ada kiat-kiat untuk membuat kulit ketiak menjadi lebih putih dan halus. Berikut beberapa langkah yang bisa Anda ikuti.


Lima Cara Alami Memerangi Jerawat Membandel

Timbulnya jerawat di wajah sering kali menganggu penampilan serta menghilangkan kepercayaan diri. Namun tak jarang, produk perawatan yang ditawarkan di pasaran tak mampu menghentikan timbulnya jerawat.

6 Makanan Penting untuk Warna Kulit Lebih Cerah

Percuma saja menghabiskan ratusan ribu rupiah untuk produk pencerah kulit jika tak melakukan perawatan dari dalam. Dengan nutrisi yang baik, kulit jadi sehat dan otomatis terlihat lebih cerah. Makanan apa saja yang wajib dikonsumsi supaya kulit tak lagi gelap dan kusam?


Apakah Gaya Hidup Anda Sehari-hari Baik untuk Kulit?

Tanpa disadari, bisa jadi penyebab utama yang membuat kulit kita kusam dan tak indah adalah gaya hidup yang sudah kita jalani selama bertahun-tahun. Apakah gaya hidup Anda salah satunya?

1. Terlalu sering minum alkohol
Anggur merah memang mengandung antioksidan yang baik untuk kulit jika dikonsumsi tak lebih dari satu gelas setiap hari. Tapi jenis alkohol lain, apalagi jika diminum berlebihan, justru malah menyebabkan kulit jadi kering, dehidrasi, dan cepat keriput.